About Us
Leadership in products resources
As times change, the need to modernize and service industries requires a company like Parts Instruments & Components.
At PIC Inc., we make products available though an International Distribution System, with specialists to provide technical sales assistance, and service.
Our Goal
To be a leading worldwide supplier of components and parts for industries and users of durable goods.
Our Mission
To achieve service excellence which makes us work harder for the clients we serve.
Our Team
Direct manufacturer’s support and our know how, makes us unbeatable.
We Offer
State of the art technologies from numerous manufacturers.
Quality Products
ISO 9000 standards as well as UL,NEMA, IEC, CSA and ANSI.
Understanding then need for being objective, for the benefit of the customer, and the betterment of their organization and business.
Risk Analysis
Downtime cost, material cost, availability and product equivalence.
Computer Data
Computerized records provide instant access to vendors, customer records and inventories.
Technical Support, experience, specific solutions, quality and flexibility.
The “Single Source” concept makes quotation and purchasing a very economical process.
With our commitment to world class customer service, we cover the following markets:
Commercial-High Technology-Industrial- Transportation & Utility.
For Electrical, Industrial, and Process Control:
Think Price
Think International
Think Choices
Offering the most complete lines of Electrical and Industrial Equipment.